Chase Teller Application
Chase bank, our largest client, asked for a redesign of the current banking teller application. Our teller application produces a large amount of revenue for ARGO today. I was asked by our CEO to take on the design with a three week timeline with an opportunity to generate $12 million in revenue.
Role • Product Designer
Team • 2 Designers, 1 Researcher
Timeline • 3 weeks
Tools • Figma, Figjam
Platform • Desktop application (tablet compatible)
Old tech and UI is outdated
Current time on task and performance issues
Time was limited due to competition and client demands.
Deliver a modernized, highly intuitive redesign of the current Teller application to Chase bank team.
Understanding our User
We’ll focus on the universal banker which is essentially a catch-all in the banking world. This user is very busy and has access to many features including the teller functions.
Teller Functions
Fully understanding the functions required for the demo and application needed to be understood in order to understand how everything is connected together for the user. Mapping out the functions similar to a sitemap also helps designers understand where everything lives within the hierarchy of the application.
Focus on monetary functions
Deposit Transaction Flow
We worked with the product team to design a realistic slightly complex deposit transaction starting when a customer walks inside a bank and speaks with teller or banker.
Gather feedback
Interviews were performed with two former tellers/bankers as our subject matter experts.
Usability tests were performed by our researcher which led to an iteration of the “session toolbar” as shown in the image.
Moved deposit dropdownAdded ease of switching between clients (tabs)
Removed search and authentication actions
Added emphasis to remaining funds
Due to time constraints high fidelity wireframes and interactive prototype were quickly delivered.
Before and After
Transaction screen
Recommend Hold
Session Summary
Interactive Prototype
Keep in mind this is going to walk you through a specific deposit transaction use case based on Chase’s current teller application.